Call for Proposals for Posters Is Open
The CFP will close on April 2.
Poster Proposal Submissions
To submit your poster proposal, please prepare the following items:
Presenter Information:
Lead presenter's name and email
Email for each co-presenter
Session Information:
Title (strictly limited to 10 words)
Each presenter's name and affiliation
Presenter headshots (PNG square image, 300x300)
Institutional logo (PNG square image 300x300)
Key terms (3) to describe your session
Key statement (i.e., mini-abstract or "elevator pitch," 25 words)
Session Details:
Full abstract (100 words maximum; avoid identifiers where possible)
3 learner-centered outcomes
Track/Subtheme (select two):
AI in Higher Education
Active and Engaged Learning
Classroom Technology
Compassionate Classroom/Community
Instructional Skills + Methods
Universal Design for Learning
3-5 Publications that serve as the underpinnings of your presentation (APA Style)
Please Note
Presenters Versus Authors
It is our policy to list only presenters on conference materials, rather than all authors. If you wish to give credit to co-authors for their work, you may include a line in the abstract that says the work was done in collaboration with them.
Presenters Must Register
As this is a self-funded event and presenters make up such a large percentage of the group, we do require all presenters to register and pay the registration fee (the regular rate is $585; however there are group discounts and co-sponsor rates). Any presenter/co-presenter not registered will not be listed on conference materials.
Attending the Conference
Lilly Conferences are committed to creating events that build community among its participants. In order to accomplish this, presenters are encouraged to participate in the whole conference, sharing with and learning from one another.
If at any point after your proposal is submitted, you realize that you will no longer be able to present, please let us know so that we can make appropriate programing decisions. If you need to cancel AFTER the program is assembled, again, please let us know as soon as possible so that we may offer the spot to proposals on the waitlist. As your session has already been reviewed, you will be able to defer it to a future Lilly event. Please review the refund policy on the registration page.
Peer Review
All proposals undergo double-blind peer review by faculty from institutions across the United States and abroad. All names and references to the presenter's institutions are removed; blinded proposals are then sent to volunteer reviewers with an evaluation rubric. Reviewers make the recommendation that proposals should either be accepted as submitted, accepted with revisions, accepted but presented in a different format than the author requested, or denied. We greatly value the contribution that the blind review process makes in conference presentation selections and the subsequent program development.
Thank you to our proposal reviewers who take time out of their very busy schedules to help us make programming decisions.
Posted Materials
It is our practice to publish a conference program with the session title, 25-word summary, abstract, and learning outcomes. We do not publish a book of conference proceedings. It is our intent that presenters will be recognized for their scholarly contribution through the archived posting of their peer-reviewed abstract and presenting material at an interdisciplinary conference. Additionally, limiting the publication to abstracts only allows the author(s) to then submit the complete work for publication in an appropriate journal or online format.
An important aspect of the conference is that all participants have the opportunity to participate with as few challenges as possible. If you are in need of accommodations that meet the regulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact Todd Zakrajsek directly ( NOTE: Requests for accommodation must be submitted in writing before registering for the conference and at least 3 months prior to the start date of the conference. Additionally, a confirmation email must be received from the conference director acknowledging receipt in order to ensure the emailed request was received.