Key Statement:
Case studies provide a foundation for applying theoretical concepts to real world situations. This poster presentation outlines a structure for analysis in the classroom.
Experiential Learning, Case Studies, Increased Engagement
The use of case studies in the classroom offers an experiential learning approach. Case studies may increase student engagement by providing a foundation for applying theoretical concepts to real world situations. Students may achieve higher learning potential through reflection, discussion, and possible debate of various outcomes and solutions. This poster presentation will outline how participants can use case studies to achieve learning goals, and how to easily integrate case studies into their classrooms. Additionally, a detailed outline of a structure that can be used to analyze a case will be provided.
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The use of case studies in the classroom offers an experiential learning approach. Case studies may increase student engagement by proving a foundation for applying theoretical concepts to real-world situations. Students may achieve higher learning potential through reflection, discussion, and possible
debate of various outcomes and solutions. This poster presentation will outline how participants can use
case studies to achieve learning goals and how to easily integrate case studies into their classrooms.
Additionally, a detailed outline of a structure that can be used to analyze a case will be provided.
1- Describe experimental and hands-on teaching in computer architecture
2- Explain the benefits of hands-on learning for a complex topic such as computer architecture.
3- Assess student success and summarize student attitudes and outcomes related to concept-understanding, self-learning, retention and teamwork.