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Todd Zakrajsek


Todd D. Zakrajsek, PHD is Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he serves as the Associate Director of the Faculty Development Fellowship Program. In addition to his work at UNC providing resources for faculty on various topics related to teaching/learning, leadership, and scholarly activity, Todd serves on several educationally-related boards, including the Journal of Excellence in College Teaching; International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning; and Higher Education Teaching Learning Portal. In recent years, Todd served on boards charged with creating resources and opportunities related to teaching and learning: Education Research Initiative (Lenovo Computer); Technology Enriched Instruction (Microsoft); and Communicating Science in K-12 (Harvard).

Todd is an elected core committee member for the Professional Organizational Developers Network and the National Academies Collaborative. His current academic work and publications pertain to faculty development, effective instructional strategies, and student learning. His most recent books include The New Science of Learning (co-authored with Terry Doyle; Stylus; 2013) and Teaching for Learning (co-authored with Claire Major and Michael Harris, Routledge Publishing; 2015). Todd has been a visiting professor/workshop facilitator and delivered keynote addresses at approximately 250 campuses and teaching conferences.


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