We are excited to post digital images of your poster - presenters will not bring posters for display at the conference.
Needed for the Online Poster Gallery
Please be aware these are items that are due by Monday, May 1st, 2023:
PNG image of your poster to be featured in the mobile app
Save your poster file with the Last name and first initial of the lead presenter, and TX23 (e.g. ZakrajsekT_TX23)
90 seconds “elevator speech” about your poster to be posted to the website. Only the first author needs to record this audio file.
Please send a .mp3 recording. Likewise, save this file with the Last name, & First initial of the lead presenter followed by TX2023.
How should I send my PDF/PNG, Photograph and MP3?
Please email them to registrar@lillyconferences.com
How do I record the audio file?
Click on the links below for the type of device you would
be using to record. Save the file so that it includes your last name.
Only the first author needs to record this audio file.
Creating Your Digital Poster
Build from a slide in ppt, adobe, or other app
The final file will save as a PNG
Use Landscape Orientation sized for 11"x 8.5"
Include the Title, Presenter Name(s), and Affiliations
Consider this sample design template
What makes a great poster display?
Use a light-colored background with dark letters
Be succinct – What are your main points? What is the most important message related to each of your learning objectives?
Use pictures and graphs instead of text in paragraphs when possible
Use borders, colored headings, and/or “white space” to visually divide sections
Poster Session
Flipping the session!
Presenters are asked to submit their finished poster by May 1st, 2023.
The image of the poster will be included in the conference app.
A paper copy of the poster will be displayed on a designated table during the poster session.
You may choose to bring your laptop to the session and for displaying the poster.
Conference attendees will be encouraged to view the posters before the session. The session will flow like an open house with attendees coming in and out and circulating the room talking with presenters.
What will happen during the Poster Reception?
If you would like Poster Coaching prior to the poster session, please report to the conference registration desk 30 minutes prior to the PM to meet the conference staff. Conference staff will direct you to your designated tablespace. You are welcome to display the image of your poster on your laptop but keep in mind to charge the battery in advance, outlets may not be available near your display. An 11" by 8.5" image of your poster will be displayed on the table along with a tent card with your poster title and presenters' names. Conference attendees will circulate around the room asking questions to presenters and viewing the images of the posters.
Anything else to know?
Yes! Please make sure to follow us on Twitter: @ITLC-Lilly, Facebook: Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching, Instagram: LillyConferences, and LinkedIn for updates and information.
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to email us at registrar@lillyconferences.com.
![LILLY_PosterDesign Template [2023].png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/7516e7_34e013e876c34ea59fa88822971d693a~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_560,h_420,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/LILLY_PosterDesign%20Template%20%5B2023%5D.png)