Poster 13
5/21/24, 9:30 PM
Do students express an increased sense of agency when they co-create a learning event with their instructor and classmates? Come find out!
Bridget Fitzpatrick
Normandale Community College
Jen Westmoreland
Normandale Community College
Student Agency, Co-Creation, Online Learning
Research suggests students feel more engaged in their learning and express an increased sense of ownership when they co-create a learning event with their instructor and classmates. However, there is a gap in the research regarding how students define agency. Students in two asynchronous online classes were asked to participate in an online discussion about learning. We conducted qualitative analysis of the discussion board responses to create a collective definition of student agency before engaging students in the co-creation of a learning event. We then surveyed the students about their experience with questions derived from the shared definition of agency.
Hear it from the author:
Moore, I. (2022). The effect of student voice on the perception of student agency. International Journal of Educational Research, 122, 1-10.
Lubicz-Nawrocka, T., & Bovill, C. (2021). Do students experience transformation through co-creating curriculum in higher education? Teaching in Higher Education. 28(7), 1744-1760.