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Experiential Learning to the Quantitative Classroom through Project Based Learning

Poster 11

5/21/24, 9:30 PM

Aurora University mathematics faculty are integrating experimental learning into classroom through the implementation of real-world projects into the curriculum, which demonstrates the enhancement of students’ critical thinking, self-reflection, decision making, and communication skills.

Regina Rahn

Aurora University

Ramona Baima

Aurora University

Uma Harijith

Aurora University


Real world mathematical applications,
Mathematical and Interdisciplinary Connections,
Collaborative Learning

Aurora University mathematics faculty are integrating experimental learning into classroom to connect the real world to course content. The infusion of projects into the curriculum from entry to senior level courses is enhancing students’ critical thinking, self-reflection, problem solving skills, gain competencies in self-reflection, decision making, application, synthesis, and communication skills. It shifts learning from instructor-centered teaching to student centered learning. The implementation and effects of this experience will be discussed.

Hear it from the author:

Experiential Learning to the Quantitative Classroom through Project Based Learning


Regina Rahn, Aurora University
Ramona Baima, Aurora University
Uma Harijith, Aurora University
Lindsey Hill, Aurora University
James Petkus, Aurora University
Narrative Text:
Aurora University math faculty are integrating experiential learning into the classroom to
achieve the department goals of ensuring students experience
 real world and interdisciplinary applications
 mathematical connections
 opportunities to improve verbal and written communication skills.
Faculty worked to identify key projects throughout the curriculum to integrate experiential
learning, and connect the real world to the content and theory being learned in the courses.
The faculty went through the process of developing, implementing, and assessing projects for
courses at all levels. A curricular course mapping was then generated to link these projects to the
program outcomes. The implementation of experiential project work has fostered self-reflection
and shifted learning from instructor-centered to student-centered across the math curriculum.
These experiences have increased student engagement in the learning of quantitative content.
For students required to take math courses but are not majoring in the subject, this project work
has facilitated development of communication skills, critical thinking, and advanced problem
solving abilities.
For those majoring in one of the programs within the department (which includes Mathematics,
Actuarial Science, and Data Engineering), students complete a capstone experience that fulfills
one of the core areas employers demand of graduates. This project is the culmination of their
previous coursework and studies, and must be a substantial extension of the knowledge they
have gained in the pursuit of their degree. They participate in research and self-study to
understand, synthesize, and explain their topic, and they are required to move towards becoming
an expert.

Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential learning: Experience as a source of learning and development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall Ambasa, R. A. (2002, April). 

Student Mathematics Performance and Problem-Solving Skills in an Experiential Learning Environment. International Journal of English and Education, 11(2), 86. Sharlanova, S. (2004). 

EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING. Trakia Journal of Sciences, 2(4), 36-39. Retrieved from Wurdinger, S. (2005). Using Experiential Learning in the Classroom: Practical Ideas for All Educators. Scarecrow Education.

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