Poster 4
5/21/24, 9:30 PM
Through descriptive examination of pedagogical adaptations, the impact of instructional lessons taught in elementary classrooms on student learning of teaching reading is presented.
Jill Jones
North Carolina State University
Instructional Methods, Knowledge-builiding, Reading
The Science of Reading movement has impacted both preparation in teaching reading and the implementation of reading in elementary classrooms. To align with state requirements, I redesigned specific aspects of my reading methods course. I desired to better understand how these instructional revisions impacted my undergraduate elementary education students’ learning of teaching reading. In this poster, I share my research study results indicating how students’ developed knowledge of teaching reading through instructional revisions including designing, implementing, and analyzing instructional reading lessons in the students’ field placement classrooms. I explain the implications of these findings on overall course redesign.
Hear it from the author:
Hello, I am Jill Jones and I’m sharing with you my study entitled Adaptations in Reading
Pedagogy: Examining Implications of Knowledge-Building and Application in an Undergraduate
Reading Methods Course.
The Science of Reading movement has impacted both preparation in teaching reading at the
university level and the implementation of reading in elementary classrooms. To align with state
requirements, I redesigned specific aspects of my reading methods course. I desired to better
understand how these instructional revisions impacted my undergraduate elementary education
students’ learning of teaching reading for elementary students. In this poster, I share my
research study results indicating how students developed knowledge of teaching reading
through instructional revisions including designing, implementing, and analyzing instructional
reading lessons in the university students’ field placement classrooms. I explain the implications
of these findings on overall course redesign.
In this study, I learned that students grew in their knowledge of foundational reading concepts
and how to design effective reading instruction. Students shared the impact of learning how to
design lessons specifically tailored to the reading needs of their elementary readers. They also
explained how this application component of the course enabled them to learn about
foundational reading skills and effective lessons. One of the most impactful scaffolds was the
lesson structure I implemented and the example lessons shared.
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Connecting early language and literacy to later reading (dis)abilities: Evidence, theory, and practice. In S.B. Neuman & D.K. Dickinson (Eds.), Handbook of early literacy research (pp. 97–110). New York, NY: Guilford. 4. Stewart, L. (2020).
The Science of Reading: Evidence for a new era of reading instruction.
Castles, A., Rastle, K., & Nation, K. (2018). Ending the reading wars: Reading acquisition from novice to expert. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 19(1), 5-51.